photograph of Peggy Harris and Donkey Jack
About "When I left school I could hardly read or write. If I had to fill in forms I couldn't write my whole name. When I read to my daughter Clare I found it hard to read simple stories, and I would skip the words I didn't know and make something up." From this inauspicious start Peggy has written a vivid account of her early years, of growing up in the scrapyard. The first print run selling out in under two weeks and a queue snaking out onto the pavement outside the venue of her first book signing. Currently on its third print run, Peggy has just launched the sequel. Bursting with more stories from her vibrant childhood in the scrapyard and a collection of stories, she has gathered about the family and her father, Sam, which have been sent into her from fans and people who remember the family. Readers will also get an insight into her journey from the yard. Although not straying too far from her roots, she gives us an insight to how as a single mum she set up a new life for herself and her daughter.